Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Pie-Full of Truth Part IV.

I am in a lot of debt. More than US$50,000.

The state of education funding in America is pretty bad. New Zealanders have it a lot better. They get really inexpensive tuition and a weekly student living allowance. Being a foreigner, I have to pay 4 times the cost that a domestic student has to pay. Even so, after the exchange rate my entire course costs only a few thousand dollars more than one semester at Boston University. Unbelievable.

But I had most of my undergrad covered through scholarship and financial aid (thankfully, because I never would have gone otherwise). But I did take out loans for room and board and other expenses. So here is the breakdown of why I am in so much debt.

NHFC is Natural History Filmmaking and Communication. My current schooling. Is it worth it? Only time will tell.

If you are interested, Other Debt is my car back home. There is under $500 left to pay on my auto loan, and it accounts for less than 1% of my total debt.


Anonymous said...

Oh Dwayne,

I know how you feel. I am over $100,000 in school debt. After the next 5 years it will be $200,000. It is so scary! I try not to think about it often. What I do know is that you will be an AMAZING wildlife documentarian and make loads!

Dwayne said...

That's the thing, doctors can make that money back. I can make sandwiches at Subway.

But, seriously, it's totally worth it. My life is a work of art and I enjoy it thoroughly. Well worth 50 grand or so.

Anonymous said...

I'm no Heath Cliff, but I'm gonna be in a good 125K. Half school, half fueling my sexual addiction.

Anonymous said...

Carl... what about the your helicopter payments? The "Carlcopter"