Friday, April 13, 2007

NZ commercials

I don't watch a lot of New Zealand TV. I get the basic, national, free broadcast channels(TVOne, TV2, TV3, and C4, plus Prime and Maori TV with very poor reception). Most of the shows I end up seeing are American anyway, but one thing New Zealand is really good at is making commercials. There are a lot of clever, funny ads. There are a lot of bad ones too, but that is to be expected.

Here are a few of my favorites:

First up: an ad promoting domestic travel. It really sums up the country well.

Next are a couple ads for L&P. L&P stands for Lemon and Paeroa. It is a soda made with lemon juice and mineral water from the town of Paeroa. It's an acquired taste.

The first ad is just fun. The second looks at unique fashion phenomena: stubbies.

Lastly there is this great Air New Zealand ad. The final scene was shot at Otago University.

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