Monday, September 18, 2006

Lone Wolf

After meeting with the other 2 unpaired students, I've decided to stick to my guns (so to speak) and make my movie on my own. Am I crazy? Probably. Can I pull it off? Definitely. A three person film could have been great and probably would have meant a better distribution of labor, but could also have been too many influences.

It will mean a lot more work for myself: research, pitch and proposal, shooting script, schedules and budgets (not to mention all the regular coursework that isn't a part of the final film) . . .All on my own. But I love this stuff, so bring it on.

In other news, I finally figured out what my music video is going to be: Thom Yorke's "Analyse" over black and white footage from a metal casting foundry (which I happen to live next to. I'm not entirely sure what they make there, other than a lot of noise and strange smells . . .) I get to do that tomorrow morning. I'll try to put the video up on YouTube when I'm done.


erin said...

Goodluck Dwayne! You can DO it! Is this music video part of an assignment too? Goodluck! I wanna see your stuff when you're done!

Jinty said...

You go Dwayne-o. You'll be fab, and it will be a fantastic film. And we're all here if you need a cord-carrying man/woman!

Dwayne said...

Hey guys, thanks for the encouragement.

The music video is for a class on "The Techniques of Natural History Filmmaking." Incidentally, 'classes' are refered to as 'papers' here.

Shooting went really well and the stuff is cutting together nicely, so that is good.